Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Sketchbook 2014 PDF for Download

Hello everyone,

just want to throw out a quick update: If you are interested in looking at my sketches and drawings, I have collected many of my drawings from last year and offer a sketchbook PDF file on Dropbox for you, so you do not have to flip through every page in my Tumblr blog.

Although I think that my drawings and sketches from last year cannot compete with the big industry pro's of this world, I still want to share them to show you my growth throughout my life.

You are able to view and/or download my Sketchbook 2014 here: Link

If you want to follow my most recent updates and works, just visit or watch my Tumblr blog:


I wish you lots of fun and maybe inspiration by following my work. I will continue to do my best possible for my plans at the current point in time.

More news will be posted soon. Stay tuned.

- Dave

Thursday, September 3, 2015

More updates coming

Hello everyone,

after private problems slowed down my working processes, new updates will follow soon. As I have been distracted so much, I will now update what I have forgotten due to the circumstances. I thank everyone who is visiting this blog and hope you will stop by frequently.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

May Update and June

Hello everyone,

this post shows up a bit delayed due to being busy regarding many different reasons. New artwork that has been created recently (digital colour):

Apart from this there are more images waiting to be completed. I have also a bunch of new sketches and drawings in my sketchbook on Tumblr (as well as some posts without images, so keep flipping through the pages if you want) http://daveart.tumblr.com/

There are also new Photoshop brushes emulating natural media right here: http://food-for-crows.deviantart.com/gallery/

Regarding a new PDF Sketchbook: I have yet to think how to present this, the best thing would be an interactive sketchbook but I have no idea where I should start... I will figure something out though.

As for this month: A new Photoshop Brush set will be revealed if things work out as planned, and new artwork should show up as well. If you want to stay up to date, looking into my sketchbook (Tumblr link above) is the best option, as you can keep track of my work way quicker. I will probably take a few days for following this year's E3 press conference though.

Have a good day and see you next time.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Quick Update

Hello dear visitors, here is a quick update:

New artwork:

And new Brushes have been uploaded to the Deviantart Account that I am running with my best friend:


I hope you will have a relaxing weekend. By the way, new drawings and sketches will soon be uploaded to my sketchbook: http://daveart.tumblr.com/

Soon I will write a post explaining more about a new downloadable PDF sketchbook I have in mind, as my very old one that I once created has been created many years ago.

- Dave

Friday, March 20, 2015

Some images and news, Photoshop Brush Account, and more

Hello everyone,

I have been working a lot recently and my wrist definitely needs a break. However, it doesn't mean that I am not drawing or painting; but it means that I draw or paint only traditional for as long as the wrist needs to recover. As I tend to have a strained wrist, working digital for too long in a row makes it feel sore (due to constant pressure the pen needs and the way one has to hold it, as I hold my traditional tools differently). So I always have to take a few days off and work only traditional, which mostly helps. As no pressure is needed in traditional work and I can hold the tools differently than the "normal" grip, I can still work while recovering for the next session of digital work.

Also, I have started a Photoshop Brush Account on Deviantart with my best friend that will be filled with self created Photoshop brushes emulating traditional media.
Just follow this link to get to the Deviantart Account: http://food-for-crows.deviantart.com/
The account is named Food-For-Crows, as we know that digital artists desperatly search for useful digital Photoshop brushes, like a crow watching for food. And crows are very smart, so are creative people. If you have a Deviantart account be sure to watch Food-For-Crows as it will have many different brushes in the gallery soon.

Pages on this blog have been updated with some new content, per example these bear warriors:

Recently there are issues with my sketchbook on Tumblr, hence why I think about an alternative. However, I am not quite sure where else to go (at least until Tumblr starts to work properly again) and somehow I would have to message my followers on Tumblr about any change. As there is no follower on this blog, I will rather continue to use it as a kind of mainblog to update the pages with images.

I am playing with a possible idea of creating a new sketchbook-PDF file for everyone interested to look at. I love to look at sketches and ideas, and early stages, of any artist out there. It gives a great insight regarding the idea process and somehow portaits the initial thoughts and overall concept way better than very tight detailed images. I mostly love pencil drawings and sketches, but also markers and ink. And traditional rough paintings. Recently I am doing some rough paintings (traditional) to have many bases for digital illustration.

I hope you have a great day and thanks for visiting my mainblog.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Hello everyone,

it has been a while since I have found the time to write a post, and to tell you what has been going on. Long story short is that I had to deal with a burnout last year, I was still able to do work, however, I didn't have the energy left to be fairly active online.

I want to thank all of you who regularly stop by and I would like to let you know that I have a lot of sketches and drawings in my Tumblr Sketchbook, which you can find right here:


After I have spend my last bit of energy for client work in 2014, I am about to be back on my feet to do more personal work again, with an a lot healthier work schedule.

Besides digital work I am diving into way more traditional work as well, which will be about 50% of the tools I am using besides digital ones. I very much like mixed techniques and am eager to experiment more.

To come to an end with this post, here are some new images I have done: